COVID-19 UPDATE 16/03/20

Statement Issued By Centre Manager Tom Vinall at 23:00 on 16/03/20

Dear ARC Members & Users,

In light of the most recent government advice regarding Coronavirus (Covid-19) and in particular the advice to avoid social gatherings we have tonight made the following decisions about upcoming activity at ARC:

Upcoming Events

  •  ‘Share Your Views’ Open Meeting – 17/03/20 6.30pm – Postponed until further notice

  • ACCT Schools Multi-Sport Festival – 19/03/20 10.00am – Postponed until further notice

  • Try Tennis & Badminton for Free Open Day – 21/03/20 – Cancelled

  • Men’s Team Tennis Training Indoor Session – 22/03/20 10.00am - Cancelled

Member Club play Sessions

  • All member club play sessions will be cancelled until further notice. All courts will be made FREE and available to book for members during the usual club play slots but no volunteers will be asked to organise any activity – members are of course still welcome to book courts and play during this time after assessing their own risk.

    - This will include the following sessions: Tennis - Tuesday 6.30 – 9pm, Weds 10 – 12pm, Fri 7 - 9PM. Badminton - Thurs No-Strings 6.30 – 8.30pm, Fri 7 – 9pm.

  • Men’s & Ladies Team Tennis Training (Wednesdays 7 – 9pm, Thursdays 7 – 9pm) – Cancelled.

    - Outdoor courts will be made available to be booked by members for free during these slots.

Coaching Sessions – Kids & Adults

  • All coaching sessions will continue as planned for the final 2 weeks of our term until Saturday 28th March or until the government issues further related advice. We will be asking all players both children and adults to be mindful of social distancing during the sessions and to avoid any close or physical contact with other members of the class. Good hygiene practices including washing hands thoroughly before and after the session will be encouraged.

Until directed otherwise by the government the centre will remain open to both members and non-members for general court use. We are disinfecting all regularly used door handles, surfaces and toilet flushes 3 times daily and have provided hand sanitiser at the entrance to the indoor Tennis & Badminton hall for members & users to use when they arrive and before they leave the centre. We would ask all members and users to please follow government advise and not visit the centre if you are in any way unwell but particularly if you or anyone in your home has a new continuous cough and/or high temperature. Likewise if you become ill shortly after attending the centre please contact Tom Vinall ( as soon as possible so that we can share this info with anyone you may have come into contact with at the centre.

We will review all of the above measures including the cancellation of club play sessions on Saturday 5th April 2020, or as and when the government issues further advise related to any of the above activities.  

We’re of course sorry to have to cancel many of our sessions & activities, however the health & safety of our staff, members and users is as always of paramount importance to us.

Please check this page again for more updates in the coming weeks as the situation develops.

Kind Regards,

Tom Vinall
Centre Manager & Head Coach
Atlantic Racquet Centre
